Nantucket First

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Sunday, January 06, 2008 stats for January 2008

Here are a few interesting stats regarding for the new year. I posted these on the site the other day. Let's see where we are in a year's time, shall we?

In the past 30 days, well over 75 people have posted to the site (and those are just those who included the word "Nantucket" in their post — the system will not allow me to search for all posters on all subjects, but the word Nantucket is the best search term I can think of).

Last month people came to the site from 9,874 separate server addresses. We averaged 3,500 visits per day last month. This month we are averaging over 4,000. Total visits in December equalled 109,595. With well over half a million pages viewed.

(How many readers does it take for the I&M to have half a million of its pages viewed?)

Exactly 514 people have posted to in the past two years, 249 people have 10 posts or more. 101 People have over 100 posts.

In 2007, had just under 6 million page views. Give or take a few.

We currently have 1298 registered members. Non-registered users outnumber registered users by approximately five to one.


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