Nantucket First

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Real solutions

Most candidates are talking about the problems the island faces and saying that these issues need to be addressed. But do they have any fresh ideas that go to the heart of the problem?

Here is a list of real projects that represent real solutions for the challenges the island faces. These are a few projects that, if I were elected selectman, I would work hard to make a priority in my first 100 days in office. (Because, with a short term like the one I'm running for, hey, you gotta get your work done quickly!)

Please provide feedback on the following ideas. All comments are moderated, but I will publish all viewpoints in the comments section below as long as they meet minimum standards for "decency." (No cussing, flames, etc.)

1. Establish a Nantucket Healthcare committee with the purpose of forming a Healthcare commission which would be structured much like the water commission and the airport commission, and charged with delivering to the community, in a cost effective way, a very basic human right ā€” healthcare.

2. Introduce a warrant article designed to allow year-round families to forever retain the right to build an affordable second dwelling for the use of family members or to create additional income, while limiting the ability to build seasonal second dwellings ā€” which contribute to the cars and congestion in the summer.

3. Develop an equitable formula based on number of bedrooms and institute programs that ensure that any manner of expansion of capacity of the sewer systems, roadways, police, fire or any other kind of costly service or infrastructure is paid solely by those people who cause the expansion ā€” new homes.

4. Champion a pilot program to ensure that all public meetings are, at a minimum, taped and available on demand on the town web site, or televised on local TV in order to ensure that all public officials can be held accountable by the community.

5. Establishing a highly visible Neighbor-to-Neighbor program that strengthens our community and sends a notice to those who sell drugs and seek to weaken our community that we are united against them.

Friday, September 08, 2006

In this corner....

Yes, the rumors are true.

I've pulled my papers for Board of Selectman on Nantucket.

I have a great deal of respect for anyone who offers himself or herself up for public service and public scrutiny. I have become an avid student of town politics, reading and writing about Nantucket every day on my website, and in my column in the Nantucket Independent.

My views and ideas about this island are a long-standing public record. I am a very known quantity as a candidate.

I believe I bring a spirit of openness and communication to the board that is a continuation of what Michael Kopko started and I feel that honest debate of real solutions is needed on the board. We have some tough decisions to make. Decisions that have been put off or avoided for years here.

I also recognize my shortcomings. Iā€™m a passionate guy. I may upset the apple cart from time to time. This might make for messy meetings.

What's that old saying? "To make an omelet, you've got to break a few eggs?"

Well, if I run (and I'm still a little unnerved at the idea, so we won't know if I'm running until I actually turn my signatures in) eggs will get broken. I can promise you that.

In addition to being a smart, committed, and prepared selectman, I'll also bring a sense of humor to the board. Good government, I believe, needs to have an element of good theater. People need to be motivated to pay attention, and think and open themselves up to new ideas.

My training as an adman has helped me learn how and why people behave the way they do, and the hot buttons that help them to act in a positive fashion.

Let the button pushing begin.

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