Roggeveen Rancor Continues
Each week the I&M asks candidates for the BOS a question. This week it was about the priorities each candidate has if elected. In her response, Patty Roggeveen takes a subtle swipe at one of the candidates running against her and against the current Board of Selectmen.
First, she criticizes the Finance Committee (Rick Atherton is the current chair) for actually balancing the budget, and then she bad-mouths the Board Of Selectman's current practice of appointing committees to dig deep into large and far-reaching issues.
The Sewer Advisory Committee, for example, in six months, came up with a strong, viable, executable sewer policy when the Board of Selectmen under the leadership of Mike Glowacki (Roggeveen's friend and advisor) either could not or would not after having the task in their in-box for well over two years.
Interestingly, when asked the same question as Roggeveen, the other four candidates talked about their priorities, their qualifications and their vision of the future and none of them bad mouthed anyone else.
In a recent YACK poll it was shown that the vast majority of voters think the current Board of Selectmen are doing a good or excellent job. So I think Ms. Roggeveen would do well not to criticize the current board and, in the process, alienate those voters.
Nantucket First.